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Technical & Conference Activities Board (T&C) Vision and Mission Statements

T&C Vision: To provide leadership and structure to enable and support interactions relating to technical innovation and the exchange of technical information and services, for the benefit of providers and users of all aspects of computing technologies worldwide.

T&C Mission: To establish Computer Society technical activities as the pre-eminent forums for innovation, information and services in current technical areas, and to extend computing technologies and applications into areas currently unexplored.


Technical Councils, Committees (TCs), and Task Forces (TFs)

IEEE Computer Society Technical Councils, Committees (TCs), and Task Forces (TFs) are international networks of professionals with common interests in computer hardware, software, applications, and interdisciplinary fields. They serve as the focal point for the society’s activities within a technical discipline and directly influence society standards development, conferences, publications, and educational activities.

The Technical Councils, Committees, and Task Forces provide a variety of opportunities for YOU to become an active and vital member of your community. Organize a conference or workshop, become involved with publications, develop and run programs that support student activities, affect the development of standards, create an online tutorial, or simply communicate with your colleagues at conferences or through electronic dialogue.

Free membership in Technical Committees, Councils and Task Forces is a superb opportunity to network and stay ahead of the state of the art. These groups meet at conferences or through electronic dialogue, and range in size from 500 to 8,000 members. Many distribute complimentary newsletters containing valuable technical information.

  • Technical Councils
    These large and dynamic groups cover broad areas of technology, have a large membership base, and offer a wide variety of activities and services for their members: Software Engineering and  Test Technologies
  • Technical Committees
    Technical Committees are smaller, numerous, and more keenly focused than Technical Councils. They provide a more hands-on approach to becoming involved in one’s technical community. Members can easily become part of organizing a conference, have access to working with Computer Society publications, join the TC leadership team, experiment with starting new programs, and more easily meet and collaborate with your colleagues.
  • Task Forces
    Task Forces are budding Technical Committees, just becoming organized and determining their style. If you don’t see a Technical Council or Committee which meets your needs, consider forming your own Task Force.