The Task Force on Rebooting Computing (TFRC) promotes activities, offers information exchange, and stimulates the growth of novel ways to restart computer performance scaling. We seek to encourage holistic approaches that redefine computing from leveraging unused or untapped properties of novel software and algorithms, languages, architectures, circuits, and research devices. Understanding that computer performance scaling ended due to power constraints, computer power engineering, and energy-efficient engineering is critical. Examples of potential approaches to restarting scaling include but are not limited to novel memory hierarchy architectures, approximate computing, neuromorphic/neuromimetic computing, analog, timed oscillator, adiabatic, energy-optimal, cryogenic, quantum, etc. The TF includes evaluating the novel, holistic approaches through performance engineering, especially via novel instrumentation and measurement technologies. The TFRC is an interdisciplinary group whose members span a range of interests across the Computer Society.
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