About IEEE Computer Society Conferences
The technology we rely on today all started in the minds of creative innovators collaborating together; be it in a university laboratory, a company’s conference room, a café, or an unexpected location. IEEE Computer Society conferences aim to bring today’s creative minds together in one place to create tomorrow’s innovations.

Focus Areas Addressed at Conferences
With 195+ conferences a year covering topics like machine learning, blockchain, cyberthreats, high performance computing, and countless other important topics, professionals and students can find comfort that they will find the right people to collaborate and network with.
- Keynote: Envisioning the Future of Software Engineering (COMPSAC21)
- International Conference for High-Performance Computing (HPC), Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC20)
- Computer Vision: Facilitating a New Era in Human Capability (CVPR20)
- Tips for Attending Virtual Conferences
Find more in our Resource Library
Conference Reports
Curious about the research and trends discussed? Check out a few of our post-conference reports listed here. From time to time, we release comprehensive reports discussing industry trends, newly discovered technologies, effective methodologies and more.
- Science and Beyond: The Future of HPC (SC21)
- Quantum Technology - Scaling for Applicability (Quantum Week '21)
- Resources on Hate Speech, Radicalization, Misinformation, & Disinformation (Tech Forum '21)
- Key Growth Areas for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 21)
Find more in our Resource Library

Past Conference Proceedings
Researchers looking for more in-depth details on the research presented at conferences can find all our conference proceedings in our Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL).
Choosing the right conference for your field is critical to a great experience. With so many conferences focused on niche topics, we encourage everyone to select carefully.
Depending on your objective, larger or smaller conferences may offer different advantages. Likewise, you may also consider conferences with cross-disciplinary discussions or those with a heavier industry focus.
Tips when preparing for a conference:
- Register On Time. Most events offer early bird pricing!
- Review Visa and/or Passport Requirements. If you are attending an event outside your country, be sure to review any visa requirements up to one (1) year in advance.
- Review Covid/Health Requirements and Restrictions.
- Organize Your Schedule Ahead of Time. Programs are released at least 2 - 3 weeks ahead of the conference. Keep an eye out and start planning your days.
- Take Advantage of Workshops. Great for those starting a new field or as a refresher for experienced professionals.
- Don't Forget About Panels! These offer unique opportunities to ask direct questions to the experts.
- Network and Connect. 47% of our audience identified networking as an essential skill they wish they started earlier in their career. Technical conferences are an excellent opportunity to meet researchers in your technical domain from around the globe.
- Change Your Mindset for Virtual Events. See our full list of tips on virtual events.

Presenting your research at a conference is a prestigious way to get recognized and find new partners. Prepare ahead of time.
Consider this before submitting your work:
- Choose the right conference. Researchers can only submit their paper or poster to one (1) conference at any time. To prevent delays, be sure to choose the right one for your work.
- Give yourself enough time. Submission times vary widely among conferences.
- Become familiar with the peer review process. For general guidelines, visit our author resources and those presented on the conference website.
- Ensure all paper guidelines are followed, including format.
- Consider professional translation services if you’re submitting a paper that is not in your native language.
- Pay close attention to deadlines. Again, these vary widely among conferences.
- Address any licensing concerns prior to submitting your work.
- Ensure you’re staying on top of all communications.
- Learn how to Combat Common Writing & Publishing Mistakes.
Video Library
Check out our Video Library for past recordings of select IEEE Computer Society conferences. Some include keynotes, panels, and engaging sessions.
Visit the Video LibraryPodcasts
An informal way to stay up to date with current technology and trends is listening to one of our podcasts. Volunteer-run, these podcasts are put together by passionate professionals in computer science and engineering. Listen to the latest SE Radio or Security and Privacy Podcast.
Explore PodcastsPublications
Peer-reviewed research is a core objective from the Computer Society. Those interested in publishing their research in one of our award-winning publications, visit our Author Resources page.
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