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Volunteer Leadership is Vital
The Computer Society is a volunteer-driven organization. Our mission is accomplished through the efforts of volunteers at every level of the organization. We have many opportunities for you to provide meaningful contributions to the field of computing while growing as a professional.
Governing the Society
Volunteers lead program boards focused on publications, conferences, technical communities, education, membership, and standards. Volunteers also make up a variety of standing committees for such important activities as awards, elections, finance, fellows, inter-society cooperation, and planning.
Representing Us
Society representatives are Computer Society members appointed as delegates to external organizations, as well as to IEEE Councils and IEEE Technical Committees. Our representatives take positions that represent the views of the Computer Society and ensure that our members’ voices are heard.
Our Constitution, Bylaws, and Manuals
These documents provide the basis for the leadership activities of the Computer Society, including publications, conferences, and governance. See our constitution, bylaws, editor in chief manuals, strategic plan, operations handbook, policies and procedures manual, and more.
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