Policies & Procedures Manual and Operations Handbooks: Section 1

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Updated June 2019


1.1  Purpose

This manual has been prepared to provide a codified set of IEEE Computer Society policies and procedures in compliance with  IEEE Computer Society Bylaws.

1.2  Scope

This manual will contain a codified set of all Board of Governors and Executive Committee position statements and actions of a permanent nature that establish policy or procedures for any IEEE Computer Society activity.

1.3  Authorization

This, the IEEE Computer Society Policies & Procedures Manual, shall replace all previous editions of the Manual of Rules and Practices and all other documents, resolutions and motions incorporated in this manual and in previous editions of the Manual of Rules and Practices.  Further, the IEEE Computer Society Policies & Procedures Manual shall be the recognized and governing policies and procedures document of the IEEE Computer Society subject only to evidence that it is in variance with the applicable and duly constituted actions of the Board of Governors or Executive Committee or of the governing documents of the IEEE.

1.4  Maintenance

This manual will be kept current by the Society Executive Director under the direction of the Constitution & Bylaws Committee.  After all meetings of the Board of Governors and Executive Committee, additions, changes, and deletions will be made based on motions and resolutions passed by the board or Executive Committee acting for the board (Bylaw Article IV, Section 3).  (Basically, the board makes policies and procedures; the Executive Committee can act for the board on subjects for which it has been authorized by the board).  The board delegates its authority to the Executive Committee to initiate and amend these policies and procedures.  Changes made to the IEEE Computer Society Policies & Procedures Manual by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Board of Governors at the board’s regular meetings.

All board or Executive Committee approved motions that are intended for this manual should be so designated in the motion. Policy revisions should refer to existing policy by number; new policies should carry an appropriate new number. Any such actions that conflict with the current contents of this manual will be promptly reviewed by the Constitution & Bylaws Committees. A recommendation for resolution will be brought to the attention of the board or Executive Committee in the agenda of their next meeting for resolution.

A history file of all changes made to this manual from its initial approval by the board on 11 November 1983 shall be maintained by the society’s headquarters office.

All approved motions that result in changes to the manual shall cause the secretary to record a specific action item in the minutes for the Society Executive Director to make the required change.

When a revised version of the constitution and bylaws, or IEEE Computer Society Policies & Procedures Manual is completed it will not be considered official until a copy in its final printed form is approved by the Society Executive Director signifying that it has been proofed and all changes have been accurately recorded. Said certified copy shall be maintained in the permanent history file.

Where the Board of Governors has delegated maintenance authority for a specified portion of the IEEE Computer Society Policies & Procedures Manual to a subordinate board or committee, other than the Executive Committee, all changes will be transmitted to the Society Executive Director and the Constitution & Bylaws Committee. The completed  revision will not be considered official until a copy in its final printed form is approved by the  Society Executive Director, signifying that it has been reviewed, proofed, and all changes have been accurately recorded. Said certified copy shall be maintained in the permanent history file.

1.5  Distribution

The Society Executive Director will provide a copy of the manual, either in electronic or printed form,  to board and committee members and to others on receipt of requests.  The Society Executive Director will be responsible for the IEEE Computer Society Policies & Procedures Manual, maintaining a current complete updated manual for use of the president and for  maintaining similar manuals in all IEEE Computer Society offices.  Manuals may be maintained in both printed and electronic form.