Policies & Procedures Manual and Operations Handbooks: Section 13

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Updated June 2019


13.1 Constitution & Bylaws Committee

13.1.1  Duties and Responsibilities

The Constitution & Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for reviewing, evaluating, formulating and recommending changes in the Constitution, Bylaws and IEEE Computer Society Policies &  Procedures Manual (PPM) of the society. The committee shall oversee that the current constitution, bylaws, and policies and procedures of the Society are collected and published. The chair, with assistance from the committee, shall evaluate the proposed changes for clarity, proper wording, and consistency with existing articles and sections.  With the approval of a majority of the members of the committee, the committee may conduct business by telephone, mail, or other means of correspondence.

13.1.2  Annual Review

The committee shall on an annual basis review the constitution, bylaws, and IEEE Computer Society Policies & Procedures Manual for consistency and relevance. It shall also review the applicable IEEE policies and procedures related to technical societies and their activities to ensure the society IEEE Computer Society PPM does not conflict. The committee formulates its findings as proposed changes for consideration by the Board of Governors.

13.1.3  Recommendations for Resolution

The committee shall review actions that appear in conflict with the constitution, bylaws, and IEEE Computer Society Policies & Procedures Manual. Unless otherwise resolved, a recommendation for resolution shall be brought to the attention of the Board of Governors for action at their next meeting.

13.2  Membership

The president-elect shall chair the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. Ex officio, voting members shall include the president and past president. The chair shall appoint additional members of the committee to fulfill the responsibilities of the committee.