In this Episode 
Nicholas Weaver joined ICSI as a postdoctoral fellow in 2003. The following year he was hired as a senior staff researcher where he continues to conduct research on network security and measurement, worms, botnets, and other internet-scale attacks. He received his bachelor’s degree in astrophysics and computer science in 1995 from UC Berkeley. He also earned his PhD in computer science from Berkeley in 2003 where he continues to teach courses. Although his dissertation work involved FPGA architectures, he has been focused on computer security since 2001. Dr. Weaver lives in Berkeley.
Listen as Gary and Nicholas discuss the Spectre vulnerability, botnet attacks, research tech transfer, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, and more.

About Gary McGraw
Gary McGraw is vice president of security technology at Synopsys. He’s the author of Software Security: Building Security In (Addison-Wesley 2006) and eight other books. McGraw received a BA in philosophy from the University of Virginia and a dual PhD in computer science and cognitive science from Indiana University. Contact him at