Tech News Videos
A library of video content previously posted on the IEEE Computer Society Tech News blog.

By IEEE Computer Society Team
Will publications of the future be personalized, bias-free, AI-driven information mashups? Will you be able to get the information you need, when you need it, where you need it and explainable? Will there be an Amazon for science articles — you buy the article, not a whole journal, and for $2-3, not for $20-30. Should joining a scientific society...

By IEEE Computer Society Team
Another great panel session from the IEEE Computer Society's signature Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) held July 12, 2021. COMPSAC is a week-long yearly conference that brings together computer science and information technology professionals and researchers from across the world to network and share their most recent dis...

By IEEE Computer Society Team
The world's dependence on software became very visible earlier last year when millions suddenly joined the ranks of remote workers as companies closed their doors in reaction to Covid 19. Software gained the spotlight as many scrambled to determine what could and could not be done virtually, yet reliance on software has been deeply rooted—and gro...

By IEEE Computer Society Team
Mr. Roger Fujii, Vice President of IEEE Technical Activities and 2016 IEEE Computer Society President, moderated this panel of past IEEE Computer Society Presidents as they shared and discussed important lessons they have learned. Including points from their education and periods throughout their careers. The focus of this panel is to provide fut...
By Timothy M. Pinkston
Joint Session Panel: HPCA'21, CGO'21, PPoPP'21, CC'21
March 3, 2021
At this year's virtually co-located HPCA'21, PPoPP'21, CGO'21, and CC'21 conferences, a 1.5 hour joint session panel across all four conferences on the topic of "Valuing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Our Computing Community" occurred on March 3, 2021, sponsored ...
By IEEE Computer Society Team
You may not have been able to physically travel to our favorite IEEE Computer Society tech conferences in 2020, but you can indulge in the many hours recorded during our virtual events. For the first time, we're working towards bringing this and more video content to our broader audience.
For example, IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference o...

By IEEE Computer Society Team
Watch one of IEEE WoWMoM 2020's most popular discussions: AI for Wireless: Is It Really a Game Changer or Yet Another Hype?
This panel discussion from the 2020 World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks conference (WOWMOM) explores the possibilities, challenges, and realities underlying AI's adoption for wireless networking.

By IEEE Computer Society Team
Watch one of the most popular discussions at Career Workshop for Women & Minorities in Computer Architecture (CWWMCA co-located with MICRO 2020): Handling Setbacks in Challenging Times
IEEE MICRO 2020 put together a career workshop to bring together women and under-represented minorities to discuss different methods the community can do to pro...

By IEEE Computer Society Team
Watch one of the most informative keynotes from IEEE Quantum Week 2020: Closing the Quantum Gap with Algorithmic Improvements
We are years away from realizing the potential of a scalable quantum computer, but can we apply all that we've learned from quantum computing to achieve impact today? And if so, how? Concepts drawn from quantum physics li...

By IEEE Computer Society Team
Watch one of COMPSAC 2020's most popular discussions: To Patent or Not to Patent
Innovation in computing is key in today's globalized market and companies must protect their intellectual property to safeguard their investments. Here is where companies must consider when it makes sense to patent their inventions. In this discussion, our speakers ...
In case you missed it, IEEE Computer Society has launched a new webinar series dedicated to our industry standards. We kick off the new series by exploring the new standards from our IEEE 802 Local Area Networking / Metropolitan Area Network Standards Committee (LMSC). In this two-part series, you'll hear an overview of the current standards an...
By IEEE Computer Society Team
On the 20th and 21st of November, 2020, the IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Women in Engineering Pune Section, and IEEE Women in Engineering Madras Section presented a "Returning Mothers" symposium.
This virtual symposium focused on the organizational challenge of retaining new mothers, in both India and around the world. The report titled "Predicam...
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